
Field Notes

Secretary Salazar to host a forum on hydraulic fracturing


ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar will host a forum entitled Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing on Public Lands: A Forum Hosted by the Department of the Interior.

As recently as November 3, 2010, President Barack Obama reiterated his commitment to the development of natural gas resources. The Department of the Interior shares that commitment and wants to ensure that natural gas is developed in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner so that the United States can fully realize the economic, security, and environmental benefits of this important energy resource.

All credentialed media are invited to cover the event. The forum is open to the public, but space is limited.

Please RSVP to doi_events@ios.doi.gov. The forum also will be streamed live via a link on the department’s homepage at www.doi.gov.

WHO: Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior, David J. Hayes, Deputy Secretary of Interior
Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy & Climate Change
Marcilynn Burke, Deputy Director, BLM

Panel 1: Current practice of hydraulic fracturing on BLM land and its potential impacts, moderated by Steve Black, Counselor to Secretary Ken Salazar

Fred Toney, Vice President for U.S. Pressure Pumping, Baker Hughes
Sherri Stuewer, Vice President, Environmental Policy & Planning, Exxon Mobil
Jim Kleckner, Vice President, Operations, Anadarko
Peter Lehner, Executive Director, Natural Resources Defense Council
Steve Moyer, Vice President, Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited

Panel 2: Regulatory considerations associated with hydraulic fracturing on BLM land, moderated by David J. Hayes, Deputy Secretary
Steve Salzman, Division Chief, Fluid Minerals, BLM

Douglas Duncan, Associate Coordinator, Energy Resources Program, USGS
Tom Doll, Supervisor, Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission
Mark Fesmire, Director, New Mexico Oil Conservation District

WHAT: Forum on Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing on Public Lands

WHEN: Tuesday, November 30, 2010; 1:00 p.m. EST

WHERE: Department of the Interior

South Interior Building Auditorium
1951 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20240

PUBLIC: The forum is open to the public, but space is limited. Please RSVP to doi_events@ios.doi.gov.

MEDIA: All credentialed media are invited to cover the event.

ONLINE: The forum also will be streamed live via www.doi.gov.

Date: November 29, 2010
Contact: Kendra Barkoff (DOI) 202-208-6416

The original media release can be found here.