
Field Notes

Bridger-Teton gas drilling proposal: Listen to the latest here

Lisa McGee with the Wyoming Outdoor Council tells Jackson Hole Community Radio about the proposed full-field gas drilling project in the Upper Hoback area of the Wyoming Range—and what it will take to protect this special landscape.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20853394″]


“We believe the values there are really too high; too special. Not only for wildlife—but for recreation, for sustainable businesses, outfitters, guides, schools like the National Outdoor Leadership School. So we think the national forests in general, the Bridger-Teton in particular, have higher and better uses.”

“Folks who live in the area . . . many of these folks rely on this fairly shallow aquifer for their drinking water. And so it just takes one mistake; and while mistakes don’t happen every day, they’re not uncommon. It just takes one mistake . . .  in the whole life cycle of drilling a well to contaminate a water source, and in this case a wild and scenic river, and we really don’t want to see that happen.”

—Lisa McGee


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