
Field Notes

Announcing Our Citizen Lobbyist Internships!

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The Wyoming Outdoor Council’s power comes from informed and engaged citizens. This is especially true during the state legislative session—when key policy decisions about our public lands, wildlife, and environmental quality are made.

As part of our effort to increase civic engagement in Wyoming, we are excited to launch our Citizen Lobbyist Internship Program for the upcoming 2018 legislative budget session in Cheyenne. We believe a deeper familiarization with our state’s “citizen legislature” will empower members to be better advocates—and to engage others in their own communities.

From February 12 to March 2, we’ll offer three individual, weeklong mini-internships (during the first three weeks of the session). Due to the nature of the legislative agenda, these internships will be fast-paced and hands-on! Participants will leave with a comprehensive understanding of the Wyoming Legislature and how to be an effective citizen lobbyist.

We’ve developed a dynamic, in-depth curriculum that includes:

  • The basics: how a bill becomes law, orientation to the Capitol
  • Hands-on training in lobbying and communicating with legislators
  • Researching actual legislation filed—including possible meetings with government agency staff and creating fact sheets
  • Attending committee hearings and monitoring floor debates
  • Participating in strategy meetings with other lobbyists and interest groups
  • Opportunities to testify before committees and/or lobby legislators directly about upcoming bills

Outdoor Council lobbyists will provide the majority of this training, often through on-the-go learning related to WOC’s own work. Each internship will vary based on the pace and schedule of the 2018 Budget Session.

Interns will need to arrive in Cheyenne by Sunday night and can expect to finish by Friday afternoon. If necessary, stipends or support to cover lodging will be available.

Please click the link below if you are interested and I’ll send a more detailed description!

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