
Since our founding, the Wyoming Outdoor Council has worked with citizens to address the toughest environmental challenges facing our state. Our strength is in our collective voices, our commitment to finding common-sense, workable solutions, and celebrating what unites us: our vast public lands, abundant wildlife, clear air and water, and small town quality of life.

One of the most important roles we play is to empower citizens to become informed and effective leaders. We provide training and the resources citizens need to participate meaningfully in decisions that matter to them.

Under the banner of FIELD, we invite you to join us. There are a variety of ways you can become part of our active and engaged Wyoming conservation community. We look forward to working with you.

Our flagship training program is designed to help Wyoming community members become more effective citizen conservation leaders. Through a combination group discussions, classroom instruction, guest speaker panels, hands-on projects and Wyoming case studies, this program aims to demystify advocacy and government for participants, giving them the tools, insight, and access to a variety of Wyoming expertise to help them grow as grassroots leaders. Course participants will leave not only with a diverse set of skills and experiences, but with deeper connections to their local and statewide communities.

Legislative internships

Interested in getting hands-on with the ins and outs of the Wyoming legislature? Join the Outdoor Council’s full-time legislative advocacy staff for a week in Cheyenne, where you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of policymaking, help track and research bills, and gain practical experience learning to lobby for conservation values. For more information, click here.

*COMING SOON!* Volunteer opportunities

Beers & Bills

Curious about how the state legislature works and how you can effectively advocate for conservation? Join us for our Beers & Bills events, where we discuss emerging legislative issues and bills, answer questions, and discuss the past, present, and future of Wyoming politics!

Surf the Green Wave

Every spring, migrating Wyoming big game herds follow the “wave” of greening vegetation from their winter range up to their summer range. Watch the schedule for interactive “surf the green wave” events, where we’ll share some exciting discoveries from cutting edge science, discuss emerging threats to migration corridor habitat, and give you the tools to be informed and engaged on migration policy. 

Conservation Cafeteria

During this challenging time when we’re still not able to safely meet in person, we still want to have lunch together! That’s why we created Conservation Cafeteria — a casual but informative series of Zoom gatherings we’ll host on the first Wednesday of every month. For an hour we’ll share a meal, a screen, and the latest in our conservation work around the state. This will be a dynamic conversation so bring your questions! We’ll have rotating themes to let you go deep and learn more about the topics that mean the most to you.

*COMING SOON* Red Desert Letter Writing Parties

One of our most important jobs is making sure that public lands are managed with transparency and an openness to public feedback. Join us for (online) postcard writing parties as we give you tips for sending messages to the BLM about protecting the unique values of the Red Desert! MORE DETAILS TO COME.

Live conversations with experts

Parents and kids: Join the Outdoor Council and a rotating cast of experts for scientific, creative, and skill-based lessons! We’ll cover topics like wildlife migration, wildlife disease, clean water, climate change, and the unique history and geology of some of Wyoming’s most iconic landscapes — plus talk fishing, filmmaking, and fun along the way. Lessons geared for both older and younger K-12 audiences, respectively.

If you couldn’t attend our previous sessions about mule deer, migration corridors, water quality, and/or wildlife disease, head on over to our YouTube channel to check them out at your convenience.