
Field Notes

Capitol blog: kicking off our coverage of Wyoming’s 2013 legislative session

By Richard Garrett, Jr.

Your voice for conservation at the Wyoming State Legislature

Happy New Year from Wyoming’s Capitol

The Wyoming State Legislature convenes tomorrow, January 8, through February 28, 2013. And as always, I will be in Cheyenne full-time attending the entire session and committee meetings and advocating on behalf of Wyoming Outdoor Council members.

I will also be filing legislative updates here, to our Capitol blog, and sending out member updates and alerts as necessary.

While we are following many initiatives, our top priorities going into this legislative session are (1) securing funding for the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust (which will be included in the appropriations bill) and (2) successful passage of the bill that proposes permit and license fee increases for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (Senate File 32).

Legislative approval of these initiatives will be a sign of the state’s growing commitment to balancing good stewardship of our natural resources with energy development.

Veteran observers of Wyoming’s legislative process expect as many as 400 bills to be introduced this year. Many of these bills will have an impact on Wyoming’s air, water, wildlife, and open spaces, and the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s mission to protect the state’s environment and quality of life for future generations.

Our members’ support for this mission is the single most powerful force behind my work in Cheyenne and serves as strong evidence to lawmakers that the Council is active and engaged in the legislative process.

I look forward to sharing more with readers of this blog in the days and weeks to come and ask that you be in touch with me if there are any bills about which you would like more information.

A final note — the Wyoming Outdoor Council board will be hosting its annual legislative reception on January 25, 2013 from 5-7 p.m. on the mezzanine at the Plains Hotel in Cheyenne. Anyone reading this is invited to attend.

I hope you will mark the date on your calendar and take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet, mingle, and talk with the Wyoming Outdoor Council board and with state legislators and decision makers.

Again, I want to thank Outdoor Council members for enabling me to advocate on behalf of Wyoming’s environment at the State Legislature. It is something I am honored to do (and I have to admit, it’s a lot of fun, too!).

Contact: Richard Garrett, energy and legislative advocate, richard@wyomingoutdoorcouncil.org