
Field Notes

AP: Wyo’s Gov to Pursue Required Groundwater Testing Prior to Drilling

This story ran today in this morning's Casper Star-Tribune. Click on the image or on the link below to read the entire story.
This story ran in today’s Casper Star-Tribune. Click on this image or on the link below to read the entire story.


Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead is looking to implement a groundwater testing requirement, prior to drilling, by the end of this year.

Click here to read the story by Mead Gruver of the Associated Press.

The Wyoming Outdoor Council is encouraged by this news. It’s an important step in a long process, and one we’ve advocated for years.


The case for baseline water testing

For more information on the case for baseline testing, click here or on the image to the right to read the Spring 2012 Frontline.



“We believe that when legislators, regulators, and decision makers have had a chance to consider the facts and to hear the arguments for and against required baseline water testing in Wyoming, they’ll conclude, as we have, that it makes sense,” said Steve Jones, the Council’s watershed protection program attorney. “It’s a matter of public health and public trust and it’s the best path forward.”




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