
Field Notes

New staff member serves Red Desert citizens’ group

Early in 2020, the Wyoming Outdoor Council became involved with Citizens for the Red Desert, a loose coalition of people from a variety of backgrounds who value Wyoming’s Red Desert and all it has to offer. At the end of the year, as the group began to coalesce further, we brought on Shaleas Harrison to serve as its coordinator. Harrison is a native of northwest Wyoming, an educator, and a former staff member of the Wyoming Wilderness Association who brings a deep knowledge of, and respect for, the Red Desert. 

After a few weeks on the job, here’s what Harrison had to say. 

Tell us a little about yourself 

I grew up on a small, multi-generational farm in northwest Wyoming growing beans and barley, so I feel I have an intimate connection to Wyoming landscapes and the people that live and work here. I studied molecular biology and chemistry for my undergraduate degree and completed my master’s in natural science and environmental policy at the University of Wyoming. My graduate research revealed how people came together to overcome complex socioeconomic, cultural, and political problems of land management in Wyoming. I am also a teacher — connecting people to nature and using nature as a teaching tool. I worked as a teacher on the Wind River Indian Reservation and taught physics, biology, and chemistry in Saratoga and in Baja California, Mexico. My favorite place is Adobe Town in the Red Desert, and I am so excited to be applying all my passion and abilities as the coordinator of Citizens for the Red Desert!

What do you love about Wyoming’s outdoors? 

There aren’t too many places you can go in this world and still hear the cry of a wolf and bump into a grizzly bear on a trail on the same day.  I also have a deep connection to our desert lands. The colors, lines, and textures have a way of cleansing the mind. Wyoming’s intact wild landscapes are our most precious and valued resource. 

Your new position revolves entirely around the Red Desert. Why is the desert special to you? 

Like many deserts, it’s a place that is underappreciated and not well trafficked. It’s a place you can go and not have to book a reservation or worry about your favorite place being “full.” There aren’t any campgrounds, and you can shoot guns or ride your dirt bike or let your dogs roam,  without bothering anyone. I like that about deserts. You can escape the riffraff of towns and even the tourists. While they stick to the mountains, I’m perfectly happy in the desert, even in the middle of July. The vast vistas clear your mind; they teach us things. One has to spend loads of time there to really feel its power, and the Red Desert is powerful and full of so much beauty. It feels right being here and trying to make sure it stays that way. 

What excites you about working with Citizens for the Red Desert? 

So many people for so many years have fought hard to ensure the Red Desert is protected. I really believe this is my calling and a way to give back to Wyoming, the place that has given me so much.

Field Notes

Field Notes: January updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council


Thank you, members, for your phenomenal engagement with the Senate Corporations Committee to protect our rooftop solar industry and oppose SF 16 — the latest attempt to remove or weaken Wyoming’s net metering law.

The chair of the committee noted that they received “about 1,000” emails regarding this bill. As usual, only utility companies supported this legislation. The rest of those testifying at Tuesday’s meeting, including representatives from local governments, solar installers, and the general public, spoke out against SF 16 and highlighted the many benefits of this small-scale renewable industry for our state.

The committee voted to delete the most egregious part of this bill, and changed timelines to be more reasonable, but then voted to move the bill forward to the legislature’s virtual session next week. We still have grave concerns about the bill, because it requires a study by the Wyoming Public Service Commission that is biased against net metering, and does not consider the benefits of small-scale solar. We will keep you informed of what can be done next. Thank you again for the tremendous support — you were heard!


Last week marked the beginning of the very unusual 2021 Wyoming state legislative session. You might have noticed that, unlike most years, you didn’t get a weekly recap email. That’s because this year, to cope with the many logistical obstacles that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to running a normal session, the state legislature is breaking the legislative calendar up into several parts. Between January and the end of March, you can expect to hear from us on bills that are moving — and where we need your help. You can find our guide to the legislature and more resources here.

This week, House and Senate committees are meeting remotely over Zoom to consider bills that were worked on by joint committees over the interim and assigned to one chamber or the other. Bills that pass committee will move on to the full chamber during an 8-day virtual session between January 27 and February 5.

However, the work won’t be over. After the virtual session is wrapped, the legislature will reconvene, either virtually or in person, for the month of March. Any bills that are still alive at the end of the 8-day virtual session, but haven’t yet been passed by both chambers, will return at that time. We expect to see lots of new bills considered, too.

If this sounds confusing, we understand! The legislative session is always chaotic and tumultuous, and we are expecting this year to be even more so as we navigate the many ups, downs, and “what ifs” of trying to communicate with a legislature that is meeting both in person and remotely. Throughout this disjointed session we will keep you informed about what you can expect and where your voices are most critical for protecting the Wyoming conservation values we cherish most.

Field Notes

Video: Thank you for supporting the Outdoor Council in 2020!


It’s hard to express how grateful we are for the support of Wyoming Outdoor Council members and the greater Wyoming conservation community. During a turbulent year, your dedication has remained constant and been a source of hope and motivation. The staff put together this short video as a virtual thank-you card for all you do.

If you’d like to be part of the Wyoming Outdoor Council community and help make sure our work has a fighting chance in 2021, you can join today or renew your membership.

Field Notes

Field Notes: December updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council


On December 11, the Platte Valley mule deer migration corridor working group met for the first time. The seven people appointed to the group — representing agriculture, industry, conservation and recreation — are the first corridor working group established under Gov. Mark Gordon’s migration corridor executive order. Unfortunately, the initial meeting indicated that this group will likely consider removing the Platte Valley migration corridor designation, and weakening protections for this important herd. We’ll be blunt: the governor’s office appears to be prepared to yield ground to a small, loud group of voices that oppose the designation of migration corridors. But we know that many more of you value our big game and support common sense, locally-driven conservation protections.

If the Platte Valley is a special place to you, or if you know the iconic Platte Valley mule deer herd well, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible. As the inaugural working group created under the governor’s order, Platte Valley will set an example for how other corridor working groups will operate in the future. And it’s important that this working group hear that the public supports science-based wildlife management that will help sustain our herds — and local wildlife economies — long into the future.

Mark your calendars for our next Conservation Cafeteria on Wednesday, January 6 — we’ll discuss the Platte Valley working group and all things migration. And if you are passionate about Platte Valley deer, please reach out to Kristen Gunther at kristen@wyomingoutdoorcouncil.org.


Early this month the owner of Hoback RV Park informed tenants that they can stay on site through the winter, but their water and septic connections will be cut off after December 31. Residents will have the option to hire a private company to provide septic service to their trailers. This is a slight improvement — longtime residents previously faced eviction at the end of the year — but not a workable solution for all.

The owner, Crowley Capital, faces a number of serious violations of state and county regulations stemming from an inspection of the Teton County property that was requested by the Wyoming Outdoor Council, including liquid sewage seeping up from a failed septic system, disposal of concentrated nitrate waste into an unpermitted sump on the property, discharges exceeding permitted capacity limits, and water treatment equipment that was installed without a permit.

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and the Teton County Commission have the authority to potentially fine the owners hundreds of thousands of dollars for the violations, some of which may date back 20 years and which left residents living in an unsanitary environment. The responsible parties, not their vulnerable tenants, should face the consequences, and the Outdoor Council has encouraged the regulatory agencies to work with the owners on a solution that is considerate of residents’ needs.

If you want to chip in, you can help support residents of the park with a donation through their GoFundMe page. The funds will help tenants pay for alternative septic services or the cost of moving their trailers.


The Outdoor Council is taking part in the Wyoming Renewable Energy Siting Collaborative, an effort organized by the University of Wyoming to study issues related to utility-scale wind and solar energy development. Members of the group represent a wide range of interests and will be working together on policy recommendations that would minimize conflicts with wildlife, viewsheds, and other resources.

With sunny skies, plenty of wind, and a skilled workforce, Wyoming has great potential for renewable energy. But like all types of energy development, renewables projects can have unintended consequences if not sited in appropriate locations. A proactive approach to siting will help ensure future development is done right.

Field Notes

Field Notes: November updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council

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The Teton County Board of Commissioners and Jackson Town Council voted to approve a number of updates to the county’s comprehensive land use plan. This document, which will guide development over the coming years, was revised to include important water quality protections proposed by the Wyoming Outdoor Council and Protect Our Water Jackson Hole. Chief among them is a directive for the county to develop a wastewater management plan that will address rising levels of nitrates in the Snake River Aquifer, which serves as the county’s only source of drinking water. 

A patchwork of small wastewater plants, independent sewer districts, and private septic systems are serving Jackson Hole’s growing population, and some of these systems are unable to keep up with the demand or otherwise not functioning as intended. The wastewater management plan is expected to lead to improved regulation of treatment facilities and septic systems. 

In the comprehensive plan, the county recognizes the public’s right to clean, affordable drinking water and the importance of the Snake River Aquifer. The plan also commits the county to:

  • Gather baseline data and coordinate with other agencies to monitor water quality.
  • Investigate regulations and ordinances to protect public water systems.
  • Examine new tools to protect water quality, such as an aquifer protection overlay.
  • Encourage public water suppliers to establish or update source water assessments and protection plans.


The Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission voted to allow a company to inject oil and gas wastewater from the Moneta Divide field into the Madison formation, an aquifer protected under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This is unfortunate: More than 100 written comments, as well as public testimony before the commission, were unanimously opposed to this decision.

The company argued the depth of the aquifer at the well site, and levels of benzene in groundwater samples taken from the well, make it an impractical fresh water source. But the benzene may in fact be contamination from drilling mud used to bore the well and the state Department of Environmental Quality previously determined the aquifer was a viable source of drinking water. There’s also evidence that wastewater injected at the site will eventually spread.

In the arid West, faced with the uncertainty of a changing climate, we aren’t willing to sacrifice a source of fresh water that may prove invaluable to future generations. The EPA has final say on whether to approve the Oil and Gas Commission’s action and we’ll continue to defend potential drinking water sources.



Field Notes

Field Notes: October updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council

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The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality recently issued a final wastewater discharge permit for the Moneta Divide oil and gas field. In response to environmental concerns and strong public opposition, the permit rejects Aethon Energy’s request to increase (by almost 400 percent) the amount of contaminated water it discharges into tributaries of Boysen Reservoir, and includes stronger pollution controls. Engaged citizens like you were crucial to guiding this decision: thank you! 

This new permit is still not without flaws, however. It gives Aethon four years to come into compliance with the new standards despite ongoing violations of the previous, more lenient permit. The Outdoor Council will continue to advocate for an accelerated compliance schedule. 

Aethon is now seeking to inject some of its contaminated water into the Madison formation, a drinking water quality aquifer protected under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission will hold a hearing November 10 to consider this proposal. We’re asking Outdoor Council members to contact the commission and ask them to protect our drinking water by denying Aethon’s request.


During the 2020 session, the Wyoming Legislature passed a bill soliciting proposals for parcels of state land in Teton County. The Outdoor Council has collaborated with several partner organizations to submit recommendations on these parcels to the Office of State Lands and Investments. 

Most of the parcels in question are adjacent to federal public lands — primarily Grand Teton National Park and Bridger-Teton National Forest. We support selling these parcels to the federal agency in question to keep them open to the public and free from development, while also generating revenue for the state. For parcels surrounded by private land we recommended a mix of solutions including conservation easement, transfer to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission to manage as wildlife habitat, and private development adhering to the Teton County Comprehensive Plan. 

Because these land transfers could take years to implement, we also proposed uses of these lands that could produce revenue for the state in the short term. These include conservation leasing, leases for recreation or tourism, and maintaining existing cattle grazing.



Field Notes

Let’s vote, Wyoming! Here’s everything you need to know.

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The nights are turning crisp, hunting season is in full swing, and around Wyoming the aspens are turning fiery orange and gold. It can only mean one thing: Election Day is almost here!

Although the hoopla of the presidential campaign attracts an outsized share of the public’s attention, Wyoming citizens also have the responsibility to select many other local, state, and federal officials that represent our communities, manage our public resources, and make decisions every day that impact Wyoming’s future and the conservation issues you care about. That’s why it’s essential to educate yourself about all the candidates on the ballot and cast a vote that ensures your values are represented at all levels of government. 

The mission of the Wyoming Outdoor Council is to preserve our state’s quality of life now and for future generations, and voting is one way to meet that challenge. We’ve collected the information below to make sure you have the tools to get out to vote on (or before!) Nov. 3

Before we get started, remember that your county clerk is your best resource if you have questions about voting. The state of Wyoming also launched a new website this year — www.letsvotewyo.org — with information on how to register, find your polling place, request an absentee ballot, learn about COVID-19 precautions, or contact your clerk’s office. 


You can vote if you’re at least 18 years old on Election Day, a U.S. citizen, and reside in Wyoming. You must also be registered to vote. Fortunately, Wyoming has same-day voter registration, meaning you can register at your polling location and vote immediately. 

Of course, you can register in advance by visiting your county clerk’s office. Applications can also be submitted by mail, but you’ll need to have your application form notarized if you go this route.

Regardless of when and where you register, you’ll need to provide some form of ID. A Wyoming driver’s license is easiest, but you can also use a state, tribal, student, or military ID, or a passport. If you don’t have a Wyoming driver’s license you’ll also need to know the last four digits of your Social Security number. If you don’t have a driver’s license or a Social Security number you’ll need to contact your county clerk’s office for help registering. 

Wyoming purges its voter rolls after every general election to remove citizens who did not participate. If you didn’t vote in the 2018 election you’ll need to re-register before you can vote in 2020. You must also re-register if you moved to a different county. If you moved within the same county you can update your current registration at the polls or your clerk’s office. 


College students can register to vote in either their hometown or the community where their school is located, whichever they consider their primary residence. 

Members of the military can register and vote absentee in their home community. There are also special considerations available for military spouses and children of service members

People experiencing homelessness must provide a physical location and mailing address. Shelters can often be used for voter registration locations. 

People who have been convicted of a felony cannot register to vote in Wyoming unless they have had their voting rights restored. For non-violent, first-time offenses this process has been automated since 2010. If you completed probation, parole, or a prison sentence prior to 2010 you need to apply to have your voting rights restored through the Department of Corrections


This election season, many Wyomingites are opting for the convenience of voting by mail to avoid visiting a crowded polling location amid the pandemic. This has long been a popular choice in the state, where rural living can make access to the polls challenging. And there’s a real added benefit: Voting by mail lets you spend as much time as you need with your ballot, so you can research candidates you aren’t familiar with and make thoughtful choices instead of being left puzzled by judicial retentions or a proposed constitutional amendment. 

Absentee ballots must be received before polls close at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3. The Equality State Policy Center recommends that voters mail their ballots no later than seven days before the election to ensure on-time delivery. If you miss this deadline, or just want to save a stamp, you can drop off your absentee ballot in person at your county clerk’s office. 

You can request an absentee ballot by mail, email, phone, or in person. The last day to request a ballot is October 20, but you can still vote early in person between then and Election Day. Be sure to read the instructions on your ballot, and call the clerk’s office if you have any questions. 


Wyoming also offers in-person absentee voting, commonly known as early voting. You can vote before Election Day at your county’s early voting location: Frequently this is the county clerk’s office, but some counties set up an early voting center elsewhere. Voting early is a great option if you prefer to vote in person but your work or family schedule will make it difficult to get to the polls on Nov. 3, or you want to avoid a crowd or possible long lines. 


Election Day during the COVID-19 pandemic will function like in years past, but with a few changes. Just like your local grocery store, surfaces will be sanitized frequently and voters will be asked to stand six feet apart while waiting in line. Face coverings aren’t required for voters but, since you’re already doing your civic duty, why not wear a mask to help keep your neighbors safe?  

Even if you’ve been visiting the same polling location for years, it’s a good idea to look up your polling place through your county clerk’s website or www.letsvotewyo.org. Some locations have changed temporarily due to the pandemic, and some communities have closed or consolidated polling places in recent years. 

Identification is not required to vote but be sure to bring your ID if you need to register at the polls. And, most importantly …


It’s not rocket science, but it is scientifically proven that you’re much more likely to follow through on your intentions to vote if you make a specific plan. 

Decide (right now is a great opportunity!) exactly how and when you’re going to vote. Making a plan is especially important if you have obstacles that make voting difficult. Maybe you work long hours, live far from your polling place, or are busy with your kids’ after-school activities. Choose a specific time when you’ll visit the polls or mail your ballot, put it on your calendar, and share your plans with family or friends to keep yourself accountable. 


Now that you have a plan to vote, how else can you make an impact? Bring a friend! 

In any given election, only about half of Wyoming voters actually participate. To help increase voter turnout this year, we created a tool that will encourage you to pick a voting buddy and make sure they cast a ballot. (It might help you remember to get to the polls, too!)

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It’s pretty simple — just complete the form with the name of someone that you will personally commit to remind to vote. You’ll receive two customized emails in the coming weeks reminding you to reach out to your voting buddy, and some voting-related resources to ensure that your buddy has all the information they need to make their voices heard at the polls this year. Don’t worry, we won’t ask you for their contact information or any other personal details, and we won’t save their names after the election is over; this is just for you! 

So, what are you waiting for? Make sure you’re registered, educate yourself about your local races, make a plan, and vote! Wyoming will be better for it. 




Field Notes

Field Notes: September updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council

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FROM THE LEGISLATURE: Without any public disclosure that the topic would be discussed, and after public comment had closed, a Wyoming legislative committee decided September 11 to once again consider legislation that could effectively kill the state’s rooftop solar industry by changing our net metering law. Why does this sound vague? Because the committee never defined the content of the bill nor had a draft bill on the agenda. We’ll be discussing this topic at our next Conservation Cafeteria session, 12 p.m. Wednesday, October 7 on Zoom. Watch for an upcoming email to register.

LEASING PAUSED IN GROUSE HABITAT: The Bureau of Land Management has deferred all parcels in Greater sage-grouse habitat management areas from Wyoming’s upcoming oil and gas lease sale. This came in response to a federal court ruling early this summer that determined the BLM had failed to prioritize leasing outside core habitat as required by 2015 land management plan revisions. The Wyoming Outdoor Council formally protested the September sale, which originally included all parcels from a postponed June sale and more than 330,000 acres of sage-grouse habitat.

Also in the past weeks, Outdoor Council staff submitted a protest of a Converse County oil and gas project that has the potential to destroy sage-grouse leks and harm hawk, falcon, and owl populations.

TETON COUNTY WATER QUALITY: In the continued effort to protect drinking water in Jackson Hole, the Outdoor Council took several steps in recent weeks to guide county officials toward more effective regulations. First, we submitted detailed recommendations on water quality protections that should be included in Teton County’s Comprehensive Plan, which is currently being updated. These include modernized regulations for small wastewater facilities, requiring septic system inspections when property is bought and sold, providing incentives for homeowners to connect to existing sewer lines, creating a management plan to address the high levels of recreational use on rivers and lakes, and establishing a water quality database. We have also proposed a new rule that would require the Teton County Public Health Department to notify the public when elevated levels of nitrates are detected in any of the county’s 114 public water systems, investigate the source of the pollution, and require remedial action if necessary.



Field Notes

Field Notes: August updates from the Wyoming Outdoor Council

WASTEWATER PLANNING: The Teton County Commissioners have approved funding to begin crafting a comprehensive wastewater management plan. The Wyoming Outdoor Council advocated for this important step toward addressing nitrate pollution in the area’s groundwater and our partner organization Protect Our Water Jackson Hole is contributing half the cost of the planning effort, up to $250,000.

TETON COUNTY CREEKS: The Teton County Board of Health has placed signs at public access points along Fish and Flat creeks, warning tubers and anglers about high levels of harmful bacteria in the water. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality listed all of Fish Creek and a portion of Flat Creek as “impaired” by E. coli earlier this year, meaning the water isn’t considered safe for swimming. The Outdoor Council is working toward solutions to address this dangerous condition.

CONVERSE COUNTY OIL AND GAS PROJECT: We are preparing to file a protest of the final environmental impact statement for a 5,000 well oil and gas project in Converse County and related amendments to a federal land use plan. If approved, the alternative selected by the Bureau of Land Management would waive existing protections for hawks and falcons, and potentially wipe out dozens of sage-grouse leks.

ENERGY TRANSITION: We recently submitted comments to the Wyoming Public Service Commission on Rocky Mountain Power’s Integrated Resource Plan, which seeks to add new wind and solar energy generation in Wyoming and other Western states as coal-fired plants are retired over the coming years. We urged the PSC to work with Rocky Mountain Power to prepare for changes to the energy economy and develop transition plans for affected coal workers and communities.

Field Notes

Wyoming law student puts passion to work as Outdoor Council intern

Ryan Sedgeley didn’t take the traditional path to law school. Instead, the Colorado native studied photojournalism in Denver, worked at a newspaper on the Oregon coast while living as part of an intentional community, and spent most of the last eight years in and around national parks. 

Ryan — the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s 2020 summer legal intern — is now studying law at the University of Wyoming, and working concurrently toward a master’s degree in environment and natural resources through UW’s Haub School. The willingness to forge his own path may come in handy this fall, as he transitions to online and hybrid classes due to COVID-19.

“I’ll be doing it all online, which has the double benefit of me being able to stay here with my wife and not having to be long distance again,” Ryan said. “Though I’m really dreading 17 credit hours over Zoom.”

Ryan’s wife Nicole is a full-time interpretive ranger in Yellowstone National Park, where the couple currently lives at Madison Junction. Ryan worked as a seasonal ranger himself in 2016, and has volunteered for the park service every summer since about 2012. His upcoming master’s thesis will focus on the Yellowstone bison herd’s migration between the park and Paradise Valley, Montana.

Over the summer, Ryan has worked hand in hand on public lands issues with Outdoor Council conservation advocate John Rader. His first major contribution was researching tribal consultation related to the draft environmental impact statement for the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative, which seeks to designate a 2,000-mile pipeline right-of-way across the state. 

“The [Bureau of Land Management] is supposed to consult with different Native American tribes on pretty much everything, and have an ongoing relationship with the tribes … and obviously that’s not the case right now,” Ryan said. “In particular with this project, they seemed to really gloss over any kind of engagement with the tribes. They sent out one letter.”

Once the Outdoor Council submitted public comment on the pipeline project, Ryan shifted gears to research the potential impacts of a federal land use plan in southwest Wyoming. Specifically, he’s looked into areas of critical environmental concern, tribal consultation, and how the plan may align with local and state laws. 

After graduating from UW he hopes to stay involved with issues related to bison, or working toward policies that help atone for America’s history of taking lands from Indigenous people. 

“I really just want to have work that is meaningful and makes the world, ideally, a little better or heals some past harms,” Ryan said. “I love the idea of working with our public lands. I’ve been living in and around them my whole life, especially the last eight years in national parks, so those are near and dear to my heart, as are Indigenous issues.”

He and Nicole hope to settle down in the greater Yellowstone region permanently. 

“It’s the place that feels like home to us,” Ryan said. 

The Outdoor Council currently has three attorneys on staff — executive director Lisa McGee, senior conservation advocate Dan Heilig, and John Rader — and offers a legal internship each summer. Lisa and John both started their Outdoor Council careers as interns.