
Field Notes

What They Have to Give

what they have to give

The Wyoming Outdoor Council’s mission is to protect Wyoming’s environment and quality of life now and for future generations. I’ll admit that sometimes those two words, “future generations,” feel far off to me. They refer to my newly-born niece, yes, but also grandchildren and great grandchildren who I may never meet. Although none of us has a crystal ball to predict the future, we each have the present moment to make decisions that will have ripple effects into the future. That’s how we can all make an impact.

I recently talked to two Outdoor Council members who might be characterized as “the next generation.” One, Ted Rittle, is 18 years old and just enrolled at the University of Wyoming. The other, Nicole Gautier, is in her early thirties and works for UW as a research scientist. They both have chosen to donate to the Outdoor Council, and we wanted to find out why. 

Their reasons are layered, but there was a similar thread of seeing their parents and others committed to a cause, be it conservation, or botany, or the outdoors, and supporting the things they loved. It was these real-life experiences that played a role in their own decisions to become Outdoor Council members. The actions they’re taking as young adults ensure a better future for Wyoming and for those who come after them.


Ted Rittle was born and raised in Laramie, Wyoming, where he currently lives and studies math education at UW. Talking to him, he has a prolific sense of place that I wish I had had when I was his age. He’s a self-taught fly fisherman who has developed his own favorite spots in the nearby mountains and rivers in just a few years. Although the rest of his family doesn’t fish as often, Rittle said his parents took him outdoors frequently growing up, where they would hike, camp, and Nordic ski. It was there that he learned to appreciate nature, especially wildlife. 

When it came to acting on this value, Rittle also had his parents to look up to. His father, Keith, served on the Outdoor Council board for many years and both his parents talked about the importance of donating 10 percent of one’s income to causes you support. 

“I came to really love the wildlife and want to support it,” he said. “There are certainly some special places in Wyoming that helped instill this in me — the Platte River Wilderness, for example. We’ve gone there since I was young. It’s so neat how much wildlife there was there. That really emphasized the importance of preserving the wilderness. I guess that helped me see the value of protected open spaces, too.” 

Wanting to go along with this idea and only just having started working, Rittle joined the Outdoor Council in 2021 and became one of our youngest members. (You may remember a story we did last year about our youngest, Jules Goldwarg, who was just six.) 

“Protecting wildlife in Wyoming’s open spaces is one of the reasons I chose to donate to the Outdoor Council,” he said of the decision. He said he’s seen WOC’s work on migration corridors and wildlife habitat, and donating felt in line with his values of promoting wildlife habitat.

“To me, it’s so neat to see other species out there, just going about their lives. I want to make sure they’re able to keep being here.” 

He plans to donate every year, he says, as well as stay involved in other conservation efforts such as citizen science efforts led by the local branch of the Audubon Society and Rocky Mountain Amphibian Project.


Nicole Gautier, too, had a childhood steeped in the outdoors. She grew up in Oregon, with parents who had botany backgrounds. She remembers many hikes where her parents would eagerly identify the plants along their route. She remembers, too, that they were active in their state’s Native Plant Society. What she remembers most was always being outside — a value that’s remained a throughline in her life.

Gautier moved to Wyoming six years ago as a student in the Teton Science Schools’ graduate program, which has a focus on place-based, natural science education. Prior to that, she had led outdoor education programs at a variety of small organizations in the West but had found that the science component was lacking.  When she found the Science Schools’ program, and its partnership with the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources at UW, she applied enthusiastically. After finishing the program, she was offered a position at the Haub School and, again, eagerly accepted.

“I wanted to stay in Wyoming and I was excited to stay in Laramie because of its access to public lands. Being an avid recreationist, climbing and running is how I like to spend my time. The variety of landscapes in Wyoming, from mountains to desert, still leaves me feeling that there’s so much to explore here,” she said. 

Her first introduction to the Outdoor Council was through Run the Red in 2017, where she ran and the Outdoor Council was a sponsor. She had never been to the Red Desert before and was impressed — both by the rugged beauty of the area as well as the work of the conservation groups advocating its protection. 

It was 2020 when she decided she wanted to give back and chose the Outdoor Council based on the good, recognizable work she saw, through our communications and events, as well as her own network of friends and colleagues. 

“The projects [WOC is] working on are very tangible. I’ve been to the Red Desert and seen how special that place is,” she said. “That personal connection was part of it, too.” 

She encourages other people to engage with their values in the same way.

“Consider the landscapes you’ve spent time in in Wyoming,” she said, “and then ask yourself, how might I give back?’ Giving $20 can be an easy way to feel a small part of this organization that has similar values,” she said. 


I write this at that time of year when many of us get reflective — looking back and making plans, seeing where we can improve, and setting goals to do so. There are many ways to engage in this practice, and many involve asking thoughtful questions of yourself. It can be framed as simply as Gautier’s: “What do I have to give?” Perhaps your answer is 15 minutes to write an email to your local legislator, or $20 to become a member supporting a cause you value, or a weekend to do volunteer trail work. 

Or the question could be as big as, “What’s the legacy I want to leave behind for future generations, and that I could start now?” The answer could be the same. You don’t know who is watching even your smallest action.

We commend and thank Rittle and Gautier for their support. Along with them, and countless others, we look forward to creating a strong, more connected community of members, this and every year.

Field Notes

A message from former staff member Richard Garrett

April 24, 2015

Richard Garrett, outgoing legislative advocate and energy analyst

I write to you today—my last—as a staff member of the Wyoming Outdoor Council. I am proud to say I will remain a lifetime member of our great organization. Although I am leaving the staff, I will always be a part of this incredible group. Because just like you, I am WOC.

After eight years on staff, lobbying in Cheyenne and in every corner of this great state, one thing is certain: Participation matters. People matter. Members matter. You definitely matter. When I went to Cheyenne, I went there on your shoulders.

Believe me, there are a lot of industry lobbyists in Cheyenne and they always outnumber conservationists. Often ours is the only voice speaking up for conservation and for the environment in committee rooms, in the lobby, and in the corridors of political power—I was your voice and I’m thankful you put me there. Your trust and support ensured that our ideas, our vision, and the importance of our mission were heard and never taken for granted.

As I look toward a new opportunity with another organization, I am profoundly appreciative of the role the Wyoming Outdoor Council plays. We have a proven track record of grassroots advocacy, combined with an investment in the legislative process. This has resulted in real success and well-deserved credibility throughout the state.

But if we want to be more successful we need to grow. We need more people to receive these emails. We need more members to stand behind the staff. During my time on the staff, the total number of our members that we were able to report to decision makers grew to more than 1,500—yet that never truly reflected the number of people that I know share our values and know the importance of our advocacy. A larger, more representative, membership would mean greater influence with legislators and the governor.

You can help. You can add to our ranks today. You can give a gift membership to somebody who you know shares our values. You can share this post with people who you believe would want to stand with us.

And so I have a challenge for you. I pledge that I will do everything I can to make sure our membership grows. And to help make that happen, I am offering a match. I will give one gift membership for every gift membership we receive between now and May 8 this year.

Thank you for joining me in this effort. It has truly been an honor to advocate on your behalf. I am excited to think about what the next eight years will bring to our rugged group. I know we are better prepared than ever to help protect Wyoming and we’re eager to give to the next generation the same gifts—clean air and water, vast open spaces, abundant wildlife, thriving communities—that were given us. The more people we have on our side, the better we will do. I am WOC, you are WOC, we are WOC. Let’s add to our ranks today.

All my best,
