
Field Notes

Story Behind the Photo: “Killpecker Tracks” by Dave Showalter

Ever been curious about what was happening on the other side of the lens at the moment a particularly gorgeous shot was snapped? So have we, because we know that simply looking at a picture only tells part of its story. For this picture, the story begins in the northern Red Desert.

If you’ve ever taken part in our annual Run the Red trail race, you’ve left your own footprints behind in the sand of this vast, scenic landscape. If you’ve never been to this area of Wyoming, we assure you it’s an experience you’ll never forget—especially if you get to hear the Killpecker sand dunes sing.

The science behind their song is simple—the round, highly polished grains of sand are stimulated by movement, such as footfalls or wind, and their “voice” is created as a result—but the effect is nothing short of magical.

It was in the midst of this majestic landscape that Colorado-based conservation photographer Dave Showalter snapped the striking shot above.

(You may remember seeing it as a featured image in our 2014 “Celebrating the Red Desert” calendar.)

On the morning he captured this image, Dave had headed out into the Killpecker dune fields in search of seasonal “dunal ponds,” which are naturally formed in the spring when embedded ice crystals in the sand begin to melt.

Going into the shoot, Dave had hoped to get a few shots of high-desert wildlife quenching their thirst at one such pond; although he didn’t find quite what he was looking for, he found something just as captivating.

“Well into the dune field, I realized the ponds had dried for the season and I turned to see my tracks leading from the Boar’s Tusk. It’s a different take on an iconic and sacred Wyoming landmark in an ecologically sensitive place, with tracks lending a feeling of being there.

One learns to expect surprises and take what nature gives you in such a dynamic landscape. On a windless night, with just a few distant songbirds breaking the silence, I lingered until the light had long faded—one of the most gorgeous evenings I’ve ever spent in the outdoors.”

The Red Desert has always held a special place in the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s heart; in fact, we’ve been working to protect it since our inception in 1967. It’s the landscape where Wyoming native Tom Bell—decorated World War II veteran and this organization’s founder—experienced solace after the war when his plane was shot down; he lost an eye, and nearly lost his life as well.

It was in Wyoming’s wild landscapes that Tom found spiritual and psychological healing, and his life-changing experience in the Red Desert inspired him to create the Outdoor Council to protect the Desert and similar places for future generations.

Photographers like Dave help us to continue this work in Tom’s memory by ensuring that some of our state’s most stunning moments and places are captured forever and illustrated for the world to see—and it’s thanks to passionate members like you that these sacred Wyoming landscapes will be protected for future generations to enjoy.

Field Notes

Run the Red Provides a Unique Glimpse into a Stunning Landscape

Photo: Josh Milek

Driving into the northern Red Desert from Rock Springs, the first thing you notice are the vistas. In early June, the distant Wind River Mountains to the north still hold plenty of snow, a striking contrast with the vibrant green sage and the rolling golden swath of the Killpecker Sand Dunes in the foreground. The next thing you notice is the temperature. Although cool in the morning, the northern Red Desert in late spring can become hot by midday, necessitating thoughtful layering and plenty of sunscreen. Then, you start to take in the folks around you. Those who love the desert—whether on their first or fiftieth visit—are people worth getting to know.

Photo: Claire Cella

Last Saturday, there were many answers to the question of who was motivated enough to join us in the quest to run 50, 23, or five kilometers through this expansive, rugged landscape. Run the Red—a young but gritty Wyoming trail race hosted by the Wyoming Outdoor Council and the National Outdoor Leadership School, among others—attracts some incredible runners, walkers, and desert enthusiasts.They are folks from the nearest towns, Rock Springs and Green River, but also from farther afield: Pinedale, Lander, and Casper. There are a few from Montana, and even one each from South Dakota and Nebraska. Many of them have never been to this part of Wyoming before, and are just as eager to explore on foot as you are. Some have sought out this race and have been training for weeks, while others were more spontaneous in their visit because it fit in with their training schedule or they were curious. Regardless of their reason for coming, before the end of the day, all of them will have a newfound appreciation for this place—and for their own abilities. Below are comments from some of this year’s runners:

“I must admit, that even though the course was extremely challenging and arduous for me, I felt a level of accomplishment that I had not experienced in a number of years of running upon finishing the run.”
“I love that the race is low-key and only has a t-shirt instead of a swag bag full of materials I need to later throw away. The location is fantastic and the organizers great.”

“My wife and I have participated in numerous races around the country, and we really enjoyed this one. The conservation/advocacy messaging that is part of the race is an excellent added bonus.”

In its fourth year, this race has gained popularity with local and regional trail runners. And with good reason: the incredible views, diverse opportunities for recreation, and close-ups of the Boar’s Tusk all combine to make Run the Red one of Wyoming’s best kept secrets. The Wyoming Outdoor Council has long been invested in making sure the most unique areas of the northern Red Desert look the same way for future generations as they do today. With the Bureau of Land Management set to continue work on its new land-use plan this fall, there is no time like the present to provide folks with new experiences in this landscape so they can have a shared appreciation of its value to our state and the need protect it. These public lands belong to all of us—runners, walkers, hikers, the dogs that play in the desert’s ponds, the kids who slide down the dunes, the ATV riders who fly across the sand. And know that when it’s time to speak up for how you want to see these lands managed, we’ll let you know. Until then, plan your race schedule to include Run the Red 2018 and pack your bags for a sand-dunes camping trip while the migratory birds are still there and the spadefoot toads are chorusing. Stay in touch and we’ll happily help plan your next Red Desert trip. Hope to see you out there!


For more photographs from this year’s race, check out our photo album, too.


Field Notes

New to the Team: RJ Pieper

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I’d like to introduce myself: I’m RJ Pieper, and I recently joined the Wyoming Outdoor Council as a Public Lands Organizer in Rock Springs. I am a lifelong resident of Sweetwater County and grew up enjoying the open spaces that I am now proud to help the Outdoor Council protect. I previously worked for Tulsa Inspection, inspecting construction projects in Wyoming’s oil and gas industry before earning an associate’s degree in Geology in 2009 from Western Wyoming Community College. With a desire to stay in Wyoming, I pursued work as an operator in the facilities I had helped construct just a couple of years earlier—the Bridger Compressor Station in the South Jonah field for Enterprise and the Blacks Fork Gas Plant R6 Expansion for Questar near Granger. I assisted in the gathering, processing, and shipping of Wyoming’s natural gas and liquids, and I was a part of the crew that kept the gas flowing every day, facing the challenges and dangers that come with working on the ground in this industry.

After spending a decade working in the oil and gas industry, I witnessed a mad rush to drill as quickly and as densely as possible in many parts of the state, and I began to feel as if I was watching my home slowly be destroyed. I soon realized that I wanted and needed to help protect the wild places that I had grown up enjoying. Becoming a part of Wyoming Outdoor Council was the perfect fit for me.

In my role as Public Lands Organizer, I will be working to connect with, engage, and mobilize Sweetwater County residents and help prepare them to participate as the Bureau of Land Management creates a new land-use plan for public lands in the Rock Springs area.

We’ll especially be looking to protect three important landscapes: the Northern Red Desert’s Jack Morrow Hills area (where the Oregon Buttes and the historic trails are), the incredible Adobe Town area, and the hunter’s paradise known as Little Mountain. These are places that locals know and love and that nearly everyone would agree deserve protections. They are important hunting and outdoor recreation spots, and we believe they are the key to achieving balanced management within the Rock Springs land-use plan. Protecting these areas will conserve Wyoming wildlife, open spaces, and cultural heritage—all of which are a big part of our quality of life here.

I’ll be out talking to folks at public events throughout the summer and organizing events for members and prospective supporters who identify with our cause. I’ll also be working locally with elected officials and management agencies to ensure they keep conservation in mind as they plan and manage our lands. This is a crucial time for our public lands, and now more than ever they need our protection from all kinds of threats like overdevelopment, overuse, mismanagement, and privatization. As an American, each one of us owns 640 million acres of public land, and that’s definitely something I take pride in. If anything is worth protecting, this is it. I am excited to be working to be working with this fantastic team and on an issue that is so worthwhile to me and so many others.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button admin_label=”Button” button_text=”Say Hi to RJ!” button_url=”mailto:RJ@wyomingoutdoorcouncil.org” url_new_window=”on” button_alignment=”left” background_layout=”light” custom_button=”off” button_letter_spacing=”0″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Field Notes

First-Ever Public Comment for National Monument Designations

In an unprecedented action, the Trump administration released more details today about its move to to undo National Monument designations throughout the West, including one monument dating back to 1924.

In a previous statement, President Donald Trump referred to National Monuments as “abuses” and vowed to “return control [of these lands] to the people.” The Wyoming Outdoor Council finds this statement both uninformed and misguided because these lands already do belong to all Americansand due to their monument designations, they are now properly protected.

This afternoon, the Department of the Interior announced it will hold its first-ever comment period for the public to provide input on monument designations throughout the West, including Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho, and Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Colorado, among many others.

The comment period is not yet open—it will open after May 12—you’ll hear from us again with details on how you can participate.

National Monuments are public lands and they are among our most precious national treasures. The National Monument designation is one of our nation’s core conservation tools, and it has helped make the United States’ public lands the envy of the world.

Our nation’s first National Monument was Devils Tower in Wyoming, designated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. The Antiquities Act of 1906 created the National Monument designation for public lands and gave the power to the President of the United States to designate these monuments.

While Wyoming’s monuments are not included, we believe this action cuts to the heart of what public lands mean to us, our members, and our country—and this action is part of a larger ideological assault on our nation’s public lands.

Our primary goal is to ensure that public lands remain in public hands.

We’ll be in touch with more information for how you can take action.

Field Notes

Please Attend! Johnson County Public Lands Initiative Meeting, April 18

As you may know, Johnson County is home to two rugged, wild landscapes nestled in the southeastern flanks of the Bighorn Mountains: North Fork and Gardner Mountain. We’re sending this email to residents of Johnson and surrounding counties since you may hunt, fish, or recreate in these wild areas and be invested in keeping them that way.

Johnson County is one of 12 counties participating in the statewide Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI), which is a multi-year collaborative to recommend future management options for the BLM Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) in our state, like North Fork and Gardner Mountain.

The recommendations created through the WPLI could be included in a legislative package presented to Congress. Success in this process is contingent on win-win management recommendations developed through a fair and transparent public stakeholder process.

Johnson County has appointed a citizen advisory committee to study the North Fork and Gardner Mountain WSAs. This committee may be leaning towards a proposal to make decisions by a supermajority, instead of striving for consensus among all stakeholders. We believe a decision-making process that allows a majority or supermajority to advance recommendations over the objections of a minority will leave behind key stakeholders whose support is critical to the Initiative. To date, every other committee in the state that has finalized their process has adopted consensus-based decision-making.

Please help us advocate for a fair process for the Johnson County WSAs that includes consensus-based decision-making. The WPLI will only be successful if committees base their recommendations on common ground developed among all stakeholders. No one can be left behind for the future legislative package to be successful in Congress.

The next Johnson County WPLI citizen advisory committee meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday night in Kaycee.

Tuesday, April 18 at 6 p.m.
Powder River Fire Hall
538 Sussex Road (SR 192)
Kaycee, WY

Please consider attending to advocate for consensus during the public comment period. If you can’t attend, please reach out individually to the committee members.

You can read more about the WPLI process and find committee member contact information at the Johnson County WPLI website, and for further talking points about the importance of consensus-based decisions in public lands collaboration, check out this fact sheet.

Thank you for your participation in this important public process! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Field Notes

Speak out!

There’s a lot of bad news coming out of Washington these days, and Wyoming’s delegation needs to hear from you.

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso is leading an effort to strip the BLM of its ability to reduce waste and deter pollution from oil and gas operations. After a long public process, the BLM has revised its decades-old rule related to natural gas waste on public lands—specifically it would require companies to fix leaky, faulty equipment and to reduce waste as much as possible. The rule, which was finalized late last year, is popular with the public. Common sense tells us that wasting finite natural resources has no benefit. It’s simply a bad practice that results in air pollution and lost revenue to the American people from royalties and severance taxes. According to estimates from the Western Values Project, Wyoming alone lost out on more than $60 million in royalties over the last five years due to venting, flaring, and unrepaired natural gas leaks on federal lands.

Some members of Congress are also trying to undo recent updates to the federal land planning process. Last year, the Bureau of Land Management released a rule that improved how the agency will plan for decisions made on our public lands. “Planning 2.0” as the BLM calls it, would ensure that the agency is more collaborative, more transparent, and more inclusive of citizen input. These improvements would move planning on BLM lands into the 21st century and are long overdue. Congress should not undo the years of work that got the BLM to this better place.

President Donald Trump has nominated Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. As Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Pruitt has close ties to the oil and gas industry, has sued the EPA on numerous occasions, and has repeatedly demonstrated that he is ideologically opposed to the EPA’s core mission. We need an administrator who is dedicated to protecting the American people from harmful air and water pollutants, and from the threats of climate change—not someone who is at odds with those goals.

What Can You Do?

Please call Rep. Liz Cheney and Sens. Mike Enzi and John Barrasso and make sure they hear your voice!

  1. Ask them to vote “no” when the Bureau of Land Management’s “Methane Waste Rule” and “Planning 2.0 Rule” are considered for repeal under the Congressional Review Act. If Congress uses this act, the BLM will be prohibited from ever passing the same or similar rules again.
  2. Sen. Barrasso has already voted in committee to allow Pruitt’s nomination to move to a full Senate vote. Tell Sen. Barrasso you disapprove of his vote, and urge Sen. Enzi to vote against the confirmation of Scott Pruitt as EPA administrator.

Senator John Barrasso Phone: (202) 224-6441

Representative Liz Cheney Phone: (202) 225-2311

Senator Mike Enzi Phone: (202) 224-3424


Field Notes

Victory in the Wyoming Range!

Wyoming’s namesake mountain range is a landscape the Wyoming Outdoor Council and our partners have worked to protect for 10 years. Many of you will recall the controversial offering of some 40,000 national forest acres for oil and gas lease sale back in 2005-06. This unpopular decision resulted in the formation of a powerful coalition. Citizens, hunters, anglers, recreational users, wildlife enthusiasts, ranchers, labor union members, outfitters, tourism interests, and conservationists came together in a united effort to protect the Wyoming Range.

While the fate of these leases remained in limbo, we worked together to pass the Wyoming Range Legacy Act in 2009, bipartisan legislation that withdrew 1.2 million acres of the Bridger-Teton National Forest from future oil and gas leasing. Three years later we came together again to find a solution to the threat posed by 136 natural gas wells in the Upper Hoback Basin. We helped raise $8.75 million to purchase and retire these valid, existing oil and gas leases.

The issue that started it all—the controversial and long-contested oil and gas leases—was the last to be resolved. The fate of these leases has always rested with the Forest Service. Five years ago, the agency made a good decision not to lease these acres, only to pull back when faced with legal challenges. Today, after years of careful additional analysis and consideration of input from thousands of citizens, the Forest Service is reissuing its no-leasing decision.

This decision approaches what we hope will be the end of a long chapter of uncertainty. Unfortunately, because the decision comes so close to the change in presidential administrations, it is still unclear whether it will persist. We will keep you posted. For now, however, a celebration is in order.

Warm regards,

Field Notes

Stand Tall for Public Lands Next Week in Cheyenne

We need your help to continue to show strong public opposition to the agenda to seize our national forests and other public lands. An important meeting is coming up in Cheyenne.

Next week, a subcommittee of the Legislature’s Federal Natural Resource committee will hold a public meeting to hear what the public thinks about a proposed constitutional amendment that would pave the way for state takeover of public land. This bill continues a long effort—pushed by a few legislators—to advance state takeover and probable sale of our public lands.

Federal Natural Resource Management Subcommittee Meeting
When: Wednesday, December 14, 2-5 p.m.
Where: Jonah Business Center, Room L-54
3001 E Pershing Blvd.  Cheyenne, WY

Please attend the meeting in person if you can! We need citizens to speak out against this land grab effort. Even if you don’t want to speak, your presence will support others who are there and send a strong message to legislators. Contrary to what the proponents say, this amendment does not prohibit the sale of public lands. It leaves the door open for future privatization and loss of access to our outdoor heritage.

You’re also invited to join us for a free citizen orientation before the meeting, where you can learn more and get your questions answered. We’ll provide background information and talking points for those who wish to offer comments during the hearing. Lunch will be provided. RSVP here.

Free Pre-Meeting Citizen Orientation
Wednesday, December 14, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Where: Laramie County Public Library, Cottonwood Room
2200 Pioneer Ave.  Cheyenne, WY

Learn more about the proposed constitutional amendment in this blog post or check out our fact sheet. If you can’t make it to Cheyenne next week, please e-mail the committee (and be sure to cc your newly-elected legislators) to let them know our public lands are not for sale. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Stephanie Kessler, Director of External Relations

Field Notes

You Can Help Protect Public Lands

uncle_samOppose the agenda to seize our national forests and other public lands

Next week, the Wyoming State Legislature’s Federal Natural Resource committee will consider a constitutional amendment to pave the way for state takeover of public lands.

When: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 starting at 8:30 a.m.
Where: Central Wyoming College, Room SC103, Riverton.
Why: This is an attempted land grab. A small group of legislators are taking extreme measures to try to wrest control of our treasured public lands. As we have seen in other Western states, this leads to privatizing these lands, limiting public access and costing the state too much.

What Can You Do?

  • SAY NO. Attend the meeting. You will have an opportunity to speak during the public comment period, if you choose. Having a crowd there will make a difference.
  • E-mail the committee members by Tuesday, November 8th to let them know you oppose land grab legislation. Make your comments as unique as possible!

What Can You Say?

  • Feel free to speak from your experience, background and values. Always be civil and respectful.
  • A state takeover of our public lands would be a threat to our way of life and it would be too costly.
  • Tell the committee to vote NO on the proposed constitutional amendment.

For more information, download a fact sheet on this amendment, read the text of the amendment itself, visit keepitpublicwyo.com or view our report on the history of public land grab efforts in Wyoming.

And here is the Legislature’s commissioned report “Study on Management of Public Lands in Wyoming” that concludes such a state takeover of management would be too costly and present major financial, administrative and legislative challenges without any real benefits to the Wyoming public.

The Case for Keeping Public Lands in Public Hands

  • The state cannot afford to manage our national forests and other public lands and will be forced to sell them off to cover the high costs of management. The state would not be able to foot the bill for fighting forest fires, road and trail maintenance, and much more. The recent $75,000 Report on Management documented these many costs and other management challenges.
  • Wyoming manages its state lands for profit and this same emphasis will drive newly acquired lands. The Legislature could seek to sell off these lands to gain quick fixes to budget woes.
  • This effort will result in our public lands privatized and loss of public access. Under the guise of “transferring” ownership or management, it all leads to the same place—privatizing our public lands, control by special interests, and sales to the highest bidders.
  • Our Wyoming public lands are fundamental to our character, our way of life, and the legacy we leave our kids. Our outdoor traditions make us who we are. We want our children and grandchildren to have this access too.
  • We support our unique, democratic American birthright—envied by the rest of the world—of wildlife as a public resource and wild landscapes where the public is free to roam. Each of us is a part owner of the largest piece of public real estate in the world, and thus, every American is rich in opportunities to hunt, fish, hike and explore.

Field Notes

Media Release: New Report Issued by the Wyoming Outdoor Council Details State Legislature’s Public Land Grab Efforts

August 25, 2016

Wyoming Public Lands: For Sale and for the Few?

New Report Issued by the Wyoming Outdoor Council Details State Legislature’s Public Land Grab Efforts

LANDER — Some Wyoming state legislators are pursuing a long-term plan of seizing public lands within Wyoming with the clear intent of allowing some of these lands to be sold to private interests.

In a report released on Thursday, the Wyoming Outdoor Council details the public legislative record— which not only illustrates an intent to sell public lands, but also to favor special interests over the public in decisions about our shared public lands.

“Seven of these land-grab bills have been introduced in the last four sessions alone,” said Steff Kessler of the Wyoming Outdoor Council. “Many of these bills include language about sale of public lands, once acquired by the state. The record is clear: some lawmakers want to see our national forests and other public lands privatized.”

Changing politics in the United States Congress has brought about a new reality, Kessler said, which makes these state-level legislative efforts more dangerous than they were in the past.

“If state legislators can demonstrate what appears to be local support for the takeover of public lands, there is a real chance that this U.S. Congress will move to allow these lands to be handed over to the state,” Kessler said. “And here’s why that’s dangerous: Once our public lands are seized and auctioned off, public access disappears—there goes our longstanding freedom to hunt, fish, camp, ski, snowmobile, you name it.”

The white paper, titled “Our Public Lands—For Sale and For the Few? A Recent History of the Wyoming State Legislature’s Land Grab Efforts” outlines the incremental approach state lawmakers are taking to “chip away, year by year and bill by bill, at opposition, while also moving Wyoming closer to the goal of state seizure and sale of public lands.”

Neil Short is an attorney from Casper and an avid outdoorsman who has followed the legislative history of this effort and strongly opposes the premise behind it. “The freedom to enter upon public lands to hunt, to fish, to ride horses or ATVs, to snowmobile, to hike, climb, and run– is at the very heart of our Wyoming way of life,” he stated. “Transfer of public lands to the states would be just a quick stop on the way to privatization.”

Short also reminded residents that once lands are transferred, the locals lose out. “The highest bidders would be absentee billionaires and even foreign corporations.  Once our lands are transferred, our Wyoming way of life is gone forever.”

Nyssa Whitford, a Lander business owner, highlighted the potential impacts to recreational businesses.

“Our business, The Bike Mill, depends on public lands. All the riding areas around Lander are on public land and trails. People come into our shop for bikes, apparel, mechanical service, and other merchandise. If our public lands are taken away, where will our customers ride? How will our business stay open?”

Whitford pointed out the additional economic benefits of public lands. “I would not live in Lander if there was no access to recreation on public lands. I suspect many other people feel the same way. Taking away our public lands would be detrimental to our local economy. It would be harder to attract quality applicants and people would move elsewhere to get the quality of life they crave.”

Darren Wells, a professor of outdoor education in Fremont County, noted that “Students come to Wyoming from all over the US to study outdoor education on our public lands. Without access to these areas, we would be confined to the classroom. These public recreational areas are fantastic and access is appropriately managed for commercial outfitters and educational organizations. Shifting land management to the state would be disastrous for outdoor education and recreation. US history shows us that the end result would be privatization of our wildlife habitat, hunting areas, fishing holes, and hiking and biking trails.”

John Parr, a retired veteran and lifelong hunter and angler from Cheyenne reflected on what could happen to Wyoming. “When I was in the service and stationed in Beaumont Texas, I learned that there was no public hunting there. All the land was privately owned. I don’t want Wyoming to turn into a Texas, where you have to pay to hunt. That’s what we’d get if the state takes over our public lands.”

Allison Baas, a Green River mother of two cited the importance of this issue to her family. “When my husband and I moved to Wyoming to raise our family, our largest motivating factor was the access to our public lands.  Wyoming offered the access for my family to learn hunting and angler ethics as well as preservation of our habitat.  As we backpack, hunt and fish across our great state my girls learn the importance of the ecosystems and how related we are to the planet.”

Terry Jones, a Wheatland farmer and avid sportsman, agreed. “In Wyoming, our outdoor traditions make us who we are. I think we all want our children and grandchildren to have this access. An attack on our public lands is an attack on our way of life here.“

The Wyoming Outdoor Council report can be found on their website.