

SOS: Save our sage-grouse and the places they call home

SOS: SAVE OUR SAGE-GROUSE AND THE PLACES THEY CALL HOME Your voice makes a difference! Will you urge the Bureau of Land Management to take assertive action to save the Greater sage-grouse and Wyoming’s unmatched sagebrush habitat? Find suggested talking points to help you write your comment below. It’s no secret that the Greater sage-grouse, […]

Enhancing Protections for the Sage-Grouse: A Pivotal Moment for Conservation

Enhancing Protections for the Sage-Grouse: A Pivotal Moment for Conservation This opinion piece was originally published in the Casper Star Tribune on May 8, 2024 and is republished here with permission. See the original op-ed here. In June 2007 then Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal called on the leaders of Wyoming’s industries, non-governmental organizations and government […]

Post-session wrap-up and what’s next

Post-session wrap-up and what’s next When I last wrote to you on March 11, the House and the Senate had just adjourned. As of this past Saturday, all bills that made it to the governor’s desk have been signed or vetoed. We’re now in that brief, beautiful pause between the end of the budget session […]

That’s a wrap on the 2024 session!

That’s a wrap on the 2024 session! KEY UPDATES ACTIONS TO TAKE Thank your legislators. Your elected officials spent a long month (with many late nights!) away from home. Find your legislators and thank them for their work. You can also thank lawmakers who voted for something important to you: On this webpage, navigate to […]

Wyoming’s budget is in limbo

Wyoming’s budget is in limbo The overall pace of the budget session may be slowing … but last week still kept us on our toes! (Gratefully, we were spared from any floor sessions extending into the wee hours, which happened several times in week two.) My personal highlight was time in the Senate Lobby with […]